Howdy there Eyeballs!, It’s your main man Garrett aka DrDeepad back with another article for our good friends over at FireStar Toys, this time with my good buddy Alix Michaels. She recently bought her first LEGO set as an adult since buying her last set previously as a kid (aka a big “Dark Ages” Gap). I had a chance to sit down, talk, really pick her brain about her recent purchase & rediscovery of a hobby called LEGO.
So, sit back & enjoy this interview with a newly crowned AFOL (Adult-Fan-Of-LEGO).
Garrett: Ladies and gentlemen welcome back to the Blog. I am here with Alix Michaels from the Alix Michaels Radio Show in Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada and she is venturing into our nerd world of LEGO. Alix has bought one of her first sets, not her first set ever – but as an adult, or her first set since being a kid.

Alix: Totally. I’d say it’s my first set bought as an adult for sure.
Garrett: That is exactly what I want to talk to you about. So, I’m interested to know what set did you decide to buy?
Alix: Well, I mentioned radio.
Garrett: Yes!
Alix: So, I was scrolling down on the old social network feed and saw the one that’s a radio. I’m not sure what it’s called. Is there an official name for it?

Garrett: Yes. That would be the “Retro Radio“, Set number 10334, for all my AFOLs out there. So, Alix, what drew you to this particular set?
Alix: Well, having a career in radio, I just had to build a radio! I really liked the colors in it, and it looked like a set that I could make. It wasn’t too hard, but it ended up being a little hard because I had to bring it in and get a little help from ya.
Garrett: With that being said, how did you find the build itself?
Alix: Other than that problem (which we’ll discuss later), I was surprised at how detailed the actual instruction booklet was. I wasn’t expecting every single thing that you do to be laid out. Every piece & part of the build had its own page and it was very well thought out. The instructions were broken down into stages & bags. I thought that was cool. I figured It would just be one big bag of parts you dump out onto the table or in a bowl like “here you go”. I do understand people do that, but I’m just not at that level yet.
Garrett: Yeah that’s not my particular build style either, But MUCH respect if you do build that way.
Alix: So, I did each bag individually and followed the instruction booklet. I didn’t really skip steps or freestyle anything. I just started at the beginning of the booklet and went through page by page.
Garrett: How did you find the instructions with that being said?
Alix: Pretty good. There were a couple of little things though. The tool, the actual tool that you use. I was a little confused by what that was.
Garrett: That’s fair.
Alix: Does it have an official name?
Garrett: That would be “The Brick Separator”
Alix: I just didn’t know how to use it and the instructions didn’t really explain it very well. I didn’t know what the hell I was supposed to do with it. LOL.
I mean I was confused the first time I saw it. You gave me the tip of flipping it upside down and then you can just rip all the studs off faster & easier, which I feel is a secret unspoken thing.

Garrett: Absolutely!
Alix: I feel they should put something in the instructions that explained a little bit more about the Brick Separator then they do. What is this Orange coloured thing that I’m pulling out of the bag that’s not a part of the build? Like, what is this? I mean, one page with a couple of bubbles, BEFORE the build just doesn’t cut it because as a new builder you tend to look over that part since you go straight to “step 1” you know? Just some text or some tips going, hey, we find this is useful doing it this way. Whatever. Here’s some different techniques, how to use it because not everybody has a “Garrett”.

Garrett: LOL
Alix: Not everybody can go, hey, Garrett, how do I use this piece? How do I use my brick separator?
Garrett: Yeah, that’s fair. Did you find there were too many little elements or big elements for the set, or for the price of the set? Like was there too many pieces or too little pieces for the price you paid? Or was it kind of just right?
Alix: I didn’t know what to expect on average for a price. So I thought it was okay. But I also know they go up in value because they become collector pieces or they can be. Yeah. So I understand the value of that. I understand the value of LEGO it can be timeless. So I knew that it seemed like it was ok. And then I got a free thing with it too.
Garrett: Ah yes, the gift of purchase.
Alix: That sucked me in. That’s a good way to get me, a good deal. you get something to build for free lol.
Garrett: So, you weren’t intimidated at all when you dumped out all those pieces from the bags? Were you like “Oh, there are too many pieces!”
Alix: Do people get that way?
Garrett: I feel that could be a thing if you haven’t built a lot of LEGO or are just starting. I can imagine taking a $100 set, dumping it out, seeing all the pieces and then thinking “Oh, what did I just get myself into?” Or else you might expect a certain number of pieces. Like you buy a $60 dollar set but its 10 larger, bulkier pieces and you find yourself saying “Oh! Theres not too many pieces for that price”
Alix: I found it was good. I liked it. I enjoyed it.
Garrett: You weren’t intimidated, but you weren’t underwhelmed at the same time either.
Alix: I was intrigued. And I was like, I can do this. Because once again, when I saw that instruction booklet, I’m like, OK, yeah, I can do this. If I didn’t have that booklet I’d be like, Noooo!.
Garrett: That’s fair. So, LEGO, here’s the part we need to talk to you about. The channel changing knob! You see, one would expect that knob to turn buttery smooth because the volume knob has a nice buttery smooth twist to it, BUT the channel changer binds, at least at first, almost unknowingly. It’s made so it has got a bit of a “click” or a “ka-chunk” to it. It’s kind of like an old tube TV. I get why they did that.
Alix: Yes, absolutely. We both get what they’re going for. The problem is, older radios don’t really have that “ka-chunk”, and you do feel like it is binding – especially with how buttery smooth the “volume” knob works. So, I mean that was the only holdup.

Garrett: I know you brought me this set and asked what’s up? It threw me off a bit also. Even as a AFOL I was confused at first and thought “am I going to break your set?”
Alix: Also, the top would kind of separate if you forced it too much.
Garrett: Yeah! I had to piece out the back panel behind it and look at the instructions just to make sure. But it was just the pieces & build technique they used. It’s awkward but brilliant engineering, just awkward.

Alix: It is a nice tangible “ka-chunk” afterwards though. So that’s the only critique I would have.
Garrett: Correct, but I feel we needed to talk about that one.
Alix: But once you looked at it and fixed it, it was cool!
Garrett: Do you think you’ll buy another LEGO set?
Alix: I probably will. You know what? I had my eyes on the JAWS Set and there’s that Nightmare Before Christmas! Did you see the three buildings you can make?
Garrett: Oh, yeah, that was looking good. The Legend of Zelda’s Deku Tree is also looking good. There’s some really nice sets coming out. You should take a look at the Botannical Collection that is out.
Alix: No, I’m not going to. Because you know what? That’s going to mean more I want. So stop it!
Garrett: Yeah, Mom’s Christmas present is already figured out. LOL.
Alix: Right? Yeah, Exactly!
Garrett: I’m a “scale of one to ten” guy. With that said, what would you rate “The Retro Radio” set out of Ten?
Alix: I liked it. It looks beautiful. So, I give it an 8/10 but JUST because of the knob issue. You’re losing points for the Channel Knob binding issue. It was not really well explained because I had to bring it in and I felt like I had to get help. If I didn’t have you, I’d be stuck.
Garrett: I would have taken points away for the exact same feature if I’m being honest.
Alix: So 8/10, I give it an eight. That’s generous!, so I’m sticking with 8/10.
Garrett: There you have it Ladies and Gentlemen! An 8/10 and overall an enjoyable experience from what was a non AFOL before, but I’m assuming we got a full fledged AFOL at this point. Adult-Fan-Of-LEGO in case you don’t know.
Alix: Yeah, yeah, yeah. I’m in the club LOL.
Garrett: You’re in the club. Awesome! LOL. Alix Michaels, thank you for joining us on the LEGO Blog for Firestar Toys. I appreciate it. Thanks everybody for reading. Bye.
Alix: Bye, thank you for having me.
Both: Byeeeeeeee!