I’m constantly inspired by people who build MOCs. Being able to either look at something within the real world, or to envision something in your mind, and then create it out of bricks and pieces requires an incredible level of talent. As someone who has always been a mainly minifigure-focussed collector I have never had much luck with MOC building, so I always enjoy the opportunity to highlight what other people within the community have been building with their bricks.
Since we are close to Christmas I thought we would follow a Christmas theme – so today we will be looking at my favourite LEGO Christmas MOCs. There are going to be hundreds out there and there is no way I will find all of them – so do leave a link to your own favourite MOCs down below so we can check them out!
A Very Merry Christmas! – By Outer Rim Emperor
I’ll level with you guys – when it comes to this blog post, the things I look at will be from the Google Search term ‘LEGO Christmas MOC’ – and as such, there could be older MOCs which make it in – like this one from Outer Rim Emperor, published back in December of 2011. Whilst this build is a blast from the past, it makes use of some really interesting building techniques which I appreciate. The way the step-up around the perimeter of the coffee table is nice, and some of the techniques used to add additional texture to the living room build of this model really pop. I particularly like the way the fireplace has been achieved – but also love the way that the grass pieces have been used on the walls of the build to create a much more homely and festive feel.
When it comes to LEGO builds like these, I feel like the hardest thing to achieve is to make a build feel lived in – but Outer Rim Emperor does a good job of adding some unique character, and indeed some unique textures and some unique shapes, to what would be an otherwise normal scene – really helping this build to stand out from the crowd.
Make sure to check out Outer Rim Emperor’s Flickr page here.
Winter Café – By Kristel
Kristel’s Winter Café is a charming Creator build on Rebrickable which captures some of the wonderful design choices which LEGO usually make with their Winter Village builds. The build incorporates some wonderful design techniques throughout the exterior to add new textures and depths – and I really love the colours which Kristel chose to use here. The tan and dark blue colours complement each other really nicely – creating a model which really pops when compared to the white ground it has in place.
The interior is also nice here – with a charming build for the interior of the Café complete with plenty of space upstairs for the Café staff to rest and unwind when they are working. This is a build which feels right at home with the rest of the Winter Village line and is bound to be popular with people who enjoy the winter-themed LEGO sets.
As mentioned, this set is on Rebrickable, so you can click here to purchase the instructions.
Winter Village Church – By bricksandtiles
Another great build I stumbled across once I feel into the Rebrickable rabbit hole is this great Winter Village Church by bricksandtiles. There is a lot of detail packed into this build – including some really nice use of tile pieces to create a nice level of texture on this build which helps to give it a much older aesthetic. I also like the design choices made on the Clock Tower here, in particular, as the apex of the tower looks really good and will add a nice and unique profile to a LEGO City.
Combine this with a nicely detailed interior, complete with well-made pews and a nice Cross Build, and you have a wonderful piece of LEGO architecture which is bound to compliment any LEGO Winter Village or LEGO City build. This build is a nice break from the usual Fire and Police Stations that we are used to getting all year round, so I have a lot of love for this build.
Since this set is also on Rebrickable, you can click here to purchase the instructions.
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Christmas X-Wing Microscale – By Pasq67
We all know the notoriously popular LEGO Christmas X-Wing build which was made available for LEGO staff last year. The build brought the wonderful and colourful to the LEGO Star Wars world – creating a great looking build which a lot of people still clamour after today. Whilst we may not ever own the full-sized build, we do have a chance at owning a smaller-scale set, thanks to this wonderful microscale build which has been put together by Pasq67 on the Bricklink Studio Gallery.
This builds captures the shape and colour of the Christmas-style X-Wing perfectly – with lots of nice details packed in at the smaller scale to create a great looking display piece. I particularly like how the display stand has been achieved here – with an incredibly ingenious use of the black hotdog piece made to achieve a similar curved effect to the full size model. This, combined with the charming rendition of the small snowy structure, creates a wonderful nod towards a great build which many of us have been looking to add to our collections.
You can learn more about this build by clicking here.
Christmas At Brick Square – Bricked1980
From the Microscale to the Modular scale – I thought we would end our LEGO Christmas MOCs piece with a fun look at this MOC from Bricked1980 over on the Eurobricks Forums.
This great build is a Christmas version of a previous MOC put together by Brick1980, and it is packed full of fun, festive-themed details which really bring this to a level above any other MOC we have looked at on this list. Every effort has been made to pay attention to the small things here – with everything from snowy details added, to Christmas Lights put on one of the buildings, and even a Christmas Tree out the front of the buildings which are on display here. Additional elements have been packed in too – such as holy reefs, and minifigures which feature scarves and warmer clothing to help to make these feel like a real and genuine winter MOC.
The structure itself isn’t just great here, however – with The Old Workhorse Traction Engine thrown in to add even more to this scene, and to create something which feels both vibrant and immersive. I love how many different elements have been considered with this build – making something which feels genuine and authentic, and which is bound to be a set which LEGO fans of all ages will wish that they could get their hands on one day.
Click here to read more about this build.
That’s it for my favourite LEGO Christmas MOCs – it was a lot of fun doing some research to uncover the different builds which we featured in this article. There are lots of great Christmas builds out there – so if you know of any others which you think our team will enjoy, then let us know about them in the comments below. Who knows – they may even pop up in a future article!
Until the next post – take care and stay safe out there. And, if you’d like to hear more from me, click here!
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