So I guess I’m back to milk LEGO Marvel as a theme again. I mean it’s so surprising. Before 2019, I loved this theme, and the amount of articles I’ve made on this topic proves that. It’s only a matter of time until I write the ‘Top 10 LEGO Marvel Sets’ and the ‘Top 10 LEGO Marvel Minifigures’. Wink wink. Nudge nudge. Anyways, today we’re just gonna take a look at the numbers side of this theme, which LEGO Marvel sets you can invest in, and how buying these sets will make you money in the long run. And I know that everyone likes money.
So before I jump into it, let’s set a few things straight. This is not professional advice. What I say today can be obsolete tomorrow. The LEGO market can be volatile, especially with re-releases – as can be shown from the recent re-release of the Saturn V and the Ship in the Bottle set. I can’t determine how much as set will go up in value, because I don’t have a time machine. I’ll give my best-educated guess, but it’s uncertain. So any venture you take, is your own risk, like any investment.
I will also be excluding any exclusives, such as SDCC figures and sets, as they are not very accessible, although they are the best LEGO investments of all time. Finally, this is only not a Top 10 list. I’ll just be going through the years, and point out notable sets that I feel are worth looking at. I’m not gonna cover every set in detail, so if you do want that, go check out my LEGO Marvel Retrospectives.
I also wanna state that most sets from licensed themes will go up in value. It’s just a given – especially with how popular Marvel is today. Any LEGO set is almost certain to be appreciated if it is sealed and in mint condition. I’m just gonna look at the ones that could bring you a bit more dough than the rest. So without further ado, let’s go!
There’s not much to say about this year. Since 2019, the theme has fallen greatly. If you want more on this, I highly suggest you check out my LEGO Marvel Rant. However, there’s one LEGO Marvel set that you should invest in: Avengers Tower Battle (76166). It’s the most iconic Marvel building. It’s a fun playset and display piece, and the minifigures are exceptional. Red Skull, Blazer, and Tazer are all exclusive, and will likely drive up the price of the set. The older one retailed for $100 AUD in Australia. By the way, I’ll be using Australian prices for this article cause I’m an Aussie. You can just use a currency converter to measure against your country. As I was saying, it retailed for $100 AUD, and now it’s going for $200, six years later. Let’s just say that this one in the next 5 or so years will probably double in value. So this will probably be a great investment.
Iron Man Helmet (76165) and Iron Man Mosaic (31199) will probably be good LEGO Marvel sets to invest in as well. Although we don’t have anything to base this on, we can make a good guess. First of all, it’s Iron Man. And Iron Man sells. Period. Second of all, they are collector’s items with the 18+ label attached to them. If you’ve been a collector for a while, anything that is meant for collectors is a sure-fire investment. And of course, art is one of the primary things you can expect to retain a high value. So keep your eye out on these too.
As I said before, 2019 wasn’t much of a popping year for the theme. There aren’t too many LEGO Marvel sets to invest in. However, there are a small few. You can still find many 2019 sets in-store, and they are heavily discounted, making it the perfect time to purchase them, as your profit margins will be much higher. It’s a really good tactic for LEGO investment. Retailers don’t care if the product will go up in value. They want it gone in a year, and will highly discount the product to do so. That’s where you come in. Instead of buying sets at retail price, look for sales and clearances. This extra bit of patience will definitely add to your profits.
Anyways, the (76125) Iron Man Hall of Armour will be a safe investment in the long term. Iron Man is arguably Marvel’s most popular hero at this time, and therefore, a set that’s primarily based around him will sell. Collectors love different variants of minifigures – and especially different suits of Iron Man. This set comes jam-packed with three exclusive Iron Man figures, plus a re-used Mark 50 suit, along with two Outriders. The Mark 1 is iconic. It was Tony’s first armour. And you can bet that it’ll go up in value. Again, the Mark 5 and the Bones armour are also quite collectable, and will definitely see a price increase.
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The other figures just add a bit more bonus value. The build rounds out this perfect investment. The Hall of Armour is the best way to display your Iron Man suits. I’m pretty sure this set was Toy of the Year in 2019, but don’t quote me on that. Collectors who have missed out will want to buy a ton of these sets to create their armoury, meaning more money for you. This is an amazing investment.
I don’t want to mention this set, because I think it’s overpriced garbage. But I cannot ignore the investment potential. Avengers Hulk Helicopter Rescue (76144) will be a decent investment because of three things – Hulk, Rescue and the nano Gauntlet. These are some amazing, exclusive things that came in this set, and will definitely be a great investment – although the set is trash. They will drive up the price of the set.
From here on out, it’s unlikely to find these sets in stores. However, you can still buy them online from third-party sellers now, and sell them in the future. The first set I will be discussing is the (76105) The Hulkbuster: Ultron Edition. I’m not a big fan of this set. But it’s a Marvel UCS set, and that’s all you need to know. It will sell. It’s a collector’s item. It will be worth a lot in the future.
The final set for this article is the (76108) Sanctum Sanctorum Showdown. Need I say more? Four out of the five minifigures are exclusive, and the build is gorgeous. It’s another investment that will give you high returns. I can guarantee it.
And that’s it for Part 1! I hope you liked this different sort of article, where I talk about how LEGO will get money back into your wallet, instead of the typical action of exiting. Again, I need to re-state that you’re responsible for your investment venture into the LEGO scene, so don’t come to sue me if the Iron Man Helmet flops in the third-party market. Investing will always be a risky means to earn money, but the rewards are there. LEGO investing is especially good since it gives you more returns than the interest in a bank during these bad economic times. But that’s it for today! See you in Part 2 soon. Bye!
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